Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Thomas Goetz: It's time to redesign medical data

From this video Dr. Thomas Goetz gives us many examples for proving that we should change our health care systems. He thinks that better heath is not a science problem, but it is an information problem. Patents are the people who really need to know the information not the incurrence companies, doctors. Patents know what should they do, but they do not that. Patients should know what happen to them, and It is does not matter what education we have. He also suggests us to make our own feedback, so every patient should ask our doctors’ questions like this. Can I have my result? What does this mean? Can u help me to understand this? What are my options? What choices put on the table? What is next?

Words 129

The presenter, Thomas Goetz, gives us a really great show. I think this is a rational presentation, and there is much helpful information in it. We cannot get records, but it is necessary that we can be used and understood but everybody. In the end of the video, Thomas Goetz tells us we should understand our own records, and he also teaches us how we can ask our doctors if we do not understand. This is very helpful for us. I think people or patients should know what happen to them. It is not only eating pills and listening doctors’ orders. I mean we have to follow these steps, but we should know ourselves too. However, I also think do patients know their problems; it is not going to help them curing themselves. Maybe they will be a negative way to face their problems, so the results will be worse.

Words 151

Monday, 28 March 2011

Emmanuel Jal: The music of a war child


The presenter, Emmanuel Jal, tells a story about himself. He is from Africa. He was born in a war age. He watched how his auntie raped by their enemy, and his brothers and sisters separated in the war. The only two people survived in his family are his father and himself. He joined child solder when he was 8 year old. They were learning how to kill people while other children in the world were studying in schools. He was trying to kill as many people as he could because he wanted to kill enemies for his family and his village. A lady who was from England saved 150 children, and he was one of them. She told them that women and children should get education, and this is the only way to real save their country. Therefore, he is doing music now, and he also donates money for his country, so he tells people that if people want to help them, they should donate money to build new schools and donate tools not to give food to them.

Words 180


In this video the presenter talked about one thing which is he knew the reason why people fight in the Africa when he was out of his country. The reason is people who want the oil, diamond and gold use their religion to make war for them. This reminds me to think the was in Africa now. So many people die, and there also are many other counties there. People are no fault. They should not stand these pain and hurt. That is not fair for them. I do not know why other people hurt these poor people while they are donate money and food to them. People should not get too much. If all the people are happy with what they have right now there will not be so many bad things happened. Education makes us to be good thinkers and teaches us what real life is. This is why we study. If we learn more, we want to get more. I think this is the sad thing about education.

Words 172

Friday, 18 March 2011

Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education

Sugata Mitra gives us a great show which is The Children Education. In the very beginning, he said good teachers will not go some places which are the countries really need help, so he did lots of experiments about education in these developing countries. His experiments show that children do fast and good work when they do what they are interested in. Also, children can learn by themselves although they use different languages. Moreover, he finds that when children study together, the results are better, and children can remember what they do better. He did lots of experiments on children education, so he found that a self-organizing system. This means that the system appears without interruption, and this system shows emergency which is the system starts to do things which is was never designed for. At the end, he gives us his future guess which is that education is a self-organizing system, where learning is an emergent phenomenon.

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Every time when I am watching these talks, I feel so great. I cannot even explain my feeling by words. Like there are something fills up my heart. I think I can do what I want, and I should try my best. Even thought this world is reality, we still have to follow our hearts, so we do what we want to do. I think this responsible for us. Nothing can stop us except ourselves. I find I like to do something like this presenter is doing. He does many experiments with group of people, and then he finds problems from it. Finally, he solves the problems and tells everybody his ideas. This is what I want to do. People should not regret when they are old. Everybody should try when they have chance. Truly satisfied comes from great work, and great work comes from what you love to do. Universities should be the place to make good thinker not good worker or good learner.

Words 166

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

The presenter, Steve Jobs, gives us a lesson which everybody should learn during their life. The topic of the speech is that how to live before we die. The first one is that he tells us that we have to trust the dots which are the decisions from bottom of our hearts somehow connect our future, so we can have confident to choose what we want and follow our hearts. The second point is that we should choose what we want because the truly satisfied comes from the great work, and the great work comes from we do what we love. We cannot lose our faith, and when we cannot find what we love, we should keep looking, we should not settle. The last point is we should live for ourselves. We should not live somebody else or the life from other people’s aspect. “Stay hungry, stay foolish”, this is the last important sentence he gives us.

Word: 158

I am so lucky that I can find this video, because I am facing to the problem which is how to choose my major. I did not know if I should choose what major I like or the major I can get a better job in the future. I am so confused. Even though many people tell me that I should choose and do what I like, I still did not notice the interest is the real key point. However, form this video; I know what the problem is for me. I do not believe the” dot”. I do not trust what I choose. I am not sure if I choose the right on. I do not have confident. I mixed up reality and interest. Like the presenter said, the truly satisfied comes from the great job, and the great comes from we do what we love. It seems so easy, but I do not understand. I think there big number of people do not understand. I rejoice that I find this video.

Words 173

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, drugs and HIV -- let's get rational

There was a headline in newspaper said,” people do stupid things. That is what spreads HIV”. Elizabeth Pisani who is the presenter disagrees with the opinion because she thinks most of people get HIV for perfect rational reasons. There are two general ways to spread HIV which is sharing the same drug needles and having sex, and she gives us her example to support her ideas. The first one is about drugs. Many surveys show that most of the drug people know where can they get the clean needle, but it is legal to carry needles. Therefore, they are rather to share needles with other people than using their own needles. The data shows the counties which are allow people carry needle have much less HIV people than the counties which are not allow. Second, she says people who are sex workers because they can make more money, and she says people rather to pay more money to treat HIV people than give sex worker a better condition to work. As a result, she hopes us can choose vote with rational.

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I think this is a great show! I really love this video. I thought people who gay HIV because they are crazy and stupid before. However, after I watched this show, I think I am stilly. I think we have responsibility for people who get HIV. As Elizabeth Pisani says we do not give them good conditions to have drugs and sex. This sounds kind of crazy, but I think this is truth. I do not think less people will have drugs because it is illegal to carry a needle. The result is same why we do not let drug people to carry the needle. Also, sex workers, we should give them better condition. Everybody knows we have sex worker and we cannot stop them to work, so why we do not give them a batter condition. We think their pity and want to help them after they get HIV. In contrast, we do not want to help them to get better condition. I think we are not rational. Our desistions are not rational

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Thursday, 3 March 2011

Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders

The name of this talk is” why we have too few women.” The presenter, Sheryl Sandberg, tells us what women can do individually if they want to stay in the workforces. She gives us three points. The first one is,” sit on the table,” which means women should negotiate for themselves to get the promotions because no one will give them promotions if they do not think they deserve their success. The second point is, “make your partner a real partner”. This point means both women and men should do the house job equally, so men have the same responsibilities as women in the houses. The last one is,” do not leave before your leave.” She explains us that women should not think too further, so women should keep their feet on the “gas pedal” until the very day they should leave. (152words)

I think this is a good talk even for the women who want to be a housewife. This talk makes me thinking. I have to same problems as Sheryl’s examples. For example, when I do well, I will say that I am just lucky and this is someone help me. However, after I watched the video, I think I should say I am good sometime. People think I am good when I recognize myself. Also, when I think I am not good, people will not consider that I have the abilities to do well. The third point also reminds to think about this people usually think about what will happen in the future, but they forget what they should catch right now. Therefore, people always miss the most important things. We are living the present, so we should not regret what we did wrong in the past, and what will happen in the future. If we can do well in the present, I think this is the biggest happiness. (170words)